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Your all-in-one guide to setting up competitions

5. Factors for consideration

There may be different factors you want to consider when planning your competition.

  • Team sizes

  • Raising points

Key steps

□ Create a document or spreadsheet to calculate points differences for team sizes

□ Contact OnHand if there are certain missions to raise points for

Calculating points for different team sizes

You may have different team sizes which would affect the overall results.

You can make calculations to account for this by dividing the points or CO2e by the number of members in that team. Or, go one step further and remove your star players to have a more accurate view of how a whole team is performing.

See the table below for an example.

Screenshot of an Excel spreadsheet showing columns with Team, Hero Points, Team Size, Points per Head, Star Player, Points minus Star Player, and Points per Head & minus Star Player

Raising points

Are there certain missions you want to push during the competition (e.g. Vegan Dinners during Veganuary)? Let OnHand know as they can raise the points for these missions during the competition period